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Husband & Dad – Get It Right!

unrulyteens-060409Marriage and the responsibilities that go with it are overwhelming. If done wrong it can be crushing and destructive. If done well it is the greatest pleasure and sense of fulfillment a person could ever experience.

If you have been faking your way through your role as a husband – let’s talk. This is too important for you and those you love to just get by each day.

You are responsible for your wife, her happiness and the strength of your marriage – Get It Right!

Men need respect. Just as women need emotional security, men need to know they are respected.
How we go about getting respect is where many of us really mess it up.
You can’t demand respect, that’s just fear. You can’t ask for respect, that’s pity.
Respect is earned over time and there is a price. But it is the best fee you will ever pay.


What an awesome honor it is to raise children. Nowhere will you see the wonder of life more than through the eyes and heart of a child. Nowhere will you feel more important than in the arms and in the words of your child saying “I love you Daddy”.

And yet without help, guidance and instruction we can really mess up this responsibility. The consequences of faltering in this role as a Dad are very serious, both to our children, ourselves and the whole family. No where will you find greater rewards than being a great Dad. – Get It Right!

Let’s talk about these most important parts of life – Leader, husband, father, son. What does it mean to be Real? Authentic? True to who I am as a Man?!

Contact me today for a complimentary session to see if our visions are compatible.

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